Summer Organ Recitals 2011 - Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
Entrance FREE A retiring collection will be taken to defray the cost of expenses Click below to view the Organ Recitals poster
9 July MARIO PERESTEGI Zagreb, Croatia Sonata II Mendelssohn . Prelude and fugue E minor BWV 533 Bach . Trio Sonata Cervellini . Prelude, fugue and Ciacona Buxtehude .Theme & nine variations Guridi . Sonata in F Berton 16 July JEFFREY MAKINSON Sub-Organist, Manchester Cathedral March on a theme by Handel Guilmant Prelude & Fugue in C minor BWV 546 Bach Rosace Mulet Cantabile Franck . Fantaisie & Fugue in B flat Boëly Evocation (Hommage à Rameau) Langlais 23 July 14.15 MICHAEL STUBBS St Paul of the Cross, Burtonwood see poster below Saturday 6 August 14.15 MICHAEL WYNNE St Mary, Warrington Prelude & Fugue in D minor Lübeck . Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele; Prelude & Fugue in D minor Bach . Miroir Wammes . Aria on a Chaconne Martinson . Sonata 2 Mendelssohn Saturday 30 July 14.15 July MARTYN NOBLE Organ Scholar, Liverpool Cathedral Offertoire sur les grands jeux Couperin . Prelude & Fugue in B minor Bach . Rhosymedre R V Williams . Fantasia in F minor K608 Mozart . Master Tallis's Testament Howells . Allegro con spirito in B flat Bridge Saturday 13 August 14.15 RACHEL HOWARTH Newchurch & MICHAEL GRAHAM Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Toccata Gigout . Hymne d’action de grâce (Te Deum) Langlais . Nun danket alle Gott Karg Elert . Praeludium, Fugue & Ciacona in C Buxtehude . Toccata Boëllmann . Fanfare Lemmens Saturday 20 August 14.15 HYANG HEE WOO RNCM Organ prize winner Prelude and Fugue in B Major, op.7 Dupré . Prelude, Fugue and Variation, op.18 Franck . Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 542 Bach . Scherzo pour Orgue Gigout . L'Ascension II & III Messiaen Saturday 27 August 14.15 BENJAMIN GIDDENS Organ Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford University Alleluyas Preston . Prelude and Fugue in B minor BWV 544 Bach . Choral I in E major Franck . Prelude, Scherzo and Passacaglia Leighton . Offrande au Saint Sacrement Messiaen . Allegro deciso Dupré Saturday 3 September 14.15 PAUL DERRETT Concert Organist Toccata & Fugue in F BWV 540 Bach . Symphony No.1 (on Marian themes) Weitz . Mr Snetzler’s March Francis . Priere et Berceuse Guilmant . Impetuoso Wiedermann Saturday 10 September 14.15 CHRISTOPHER BEAUMONT Organ Scholar, King’s College, Aberdeen University Magnificat Scheidemann . Prelude and fugue in C minor BWV 549 Bach . Voluntary Tomkins Berceuse Vierne . Recercar primo, Canzona seconda Frescobaldi . Paean Howells
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